a silhouette of a conveyor belt attached to a great lakes freighter discharging aggregate at sunset
Discharge. A conveyor belt attached to a self discharging great lakes freighter spewing, Spewing?, aggregate. ISO 800, f/10 @ 1/60 sec.
a silhouette of a gaggle of fisherman on a beach
Fun silhouette. ISO 200, f/11 @ 1/640 sec.
a silhouette of a man waking by an old farm tractor
Staged. Back area of the Canadian Transportation Museum. ISO 800, f/11 @ 1/250 sec.
The rain came tumbling down. ISO 400, f/5.6 @ 1/200 sec with speed light.
a silhouette of a girl standing on a pile of rock with a storm approaching
Hannah rules. Aggregate storage facility. Iso 800, f/7.1 @ 1/160 sec.
a silhouette of a massive metal re-cycling machine with a pile of dead cars in the foreground
Frankenmuncher. Car re-cycling plant, Windsor Ontario. ISO 400, f/22 @ 1/200 sec
observation devices used for observing scenery at a provincial park
Aliens observing local wildlife. Point Pelee National park, Ontario. Iso 400, f/22 @ 1/1000 sec.
Man with hat. ISO 200, f/8 @ 1/640 sec.
a seagull resting on the open bow of a car ferry
Hitchhiker. Pelee Islander 2. ISO 800, f/14 @ 1/1000 sec.